Annual Conference > Poster Abstracts
2025 Annual Conference Poster Abstracts
Submit Abstract Here
Poster abstract submission is open, please submit abstract for consideration prior to August 31, 2025.
Notification of poster abstract acceptance: Ongoing as submissions are received and no later than September 5, 2025
General Guidelines
- All submissions must have at least one podiatric physician, resident, or student listed as an author.
- Once an abstract is accepted, additional authors cannot be added.
- A corresponding author must be selected at the time of submission. Notification of acceptance or rejection of an abstract and future correspondence will be made to corresponding author.
- Research must include a minimum follow-up of one year for results describing surgical procedures.
- Posters should not be commercial in nature or promote any product. No logos on the poster other than names of hospital/practice, residency, or school.
Abstract Submission Process
- Complete the abstract submission form here.
- Author name(s)/corresponding author
- All authors should be listed with the corresponding author listed in BOLD
- There is no limit to the number of co-authors whose names can be added
- Acceptable study designs
- Case report, case series, cohort study, cross-sectional, meta-analyses, systematic review, prospective controlled trial, and retrospective review
- Surgical or wound care in nature
- Title should be concise and define abstract appropriately; cannot be changed after submission
- Word limit – 350
- Format – Microsoft Word ONLY
- Sections must include introduction/purpose, methods, procedures, case report, analysis, results, and conclusion
- Charts, graphs, and tables may be included to provide additional research information or findings
- References should be included and do not count toward total word count (max 35)
- Affiliation(s) and/or financial interest(s) associated with the research must be disclosed
Grading, Acceptance, and Competition
- Blind grading and acceptance (author’s names will not be identified to review committee)
- Graders are podiatric physicians, acceptance is influenced by, significance of the study; content and clarity; clinical or research data to support the study’s conclusions; minimum follow-up of one year per patient for results describing surgical procedures; and new or modified techniques as they relate to diagnosis, surgery, complications, or other phases of podiatric surgical problems.
- If an abstract is selected for poster presentation, the primary and corresponding author(s) will be notified by email.
- Posters will be displayed digitally for the duration of the meeting on Fri, Oct 18 and Sat, Oct 19.
- $100 at the conclusion of the conference to the primary author (or designated co-author if primary author is not in attendance) upon presentation of the poster at the conference.
- Top three accepted posters will be selected by a panel of judges.
- Winners will be announced on Saturday, October 11 at 11:30 am in the general session.
- First place $500
- Second place $250
- Third place $100
- Awards will be given to the primary author only
- The judges will consider the visual design, the significance of the study, including its importance to the advancement of the practice of podiatric surgery as well as well as the study’s content, and clarity.
Poster Format
- Abstracts will be presented in a DIGITAL format, not paper format; free digital poster templates are available here.
- Use wide screen 16:9 ratio format.
- One (1) 16X9 PowerPoint slide per abstract (.pptx format; do not use PDF, Keynote, Google Slides, or any other digital format).
- Digital posters will be displayed on flat screen monitors throughout exhibit hall and common areas.
- Content requirements will be the same as traditional paper poster format and should include:
- Content
- Introduction/Purpose
- Methods
- Procedures
- Case Report
- Analysis
- Results
- Conclusion
- References (max 35)
- Financial Disclosure/Affiliation (associated with this research only)
- DEADLINE: email poster to [email protected] by September 30, 2025
Other Information
- Trade names should not be used.
- ASPS board of directors and poster/abstract judges are ineligible to participate in the ASPS poster competition, with the exception that residents supervised by the above-referenced parties may participate.
- Questions? Contact us at [email protected] or 337-628-2777.
2024 Annual Conference Poster Abstracts
View 2024 Posters
2023 Abstract Winners
First Place
Cyclical Topical Oxygen Therapy of Trauma-Induced Venous Leg Wounds in Diabetics – A Case Series
Lou Ann Hall-Mattos, DPM, MS
Ivan Vela, DPM; Christopher Japour, DPM, FASPS
Second Place
Comparison of Ankle Fracture Fixation Using An Intramedullary Fibular Nail Versus Plate Fixation
Calvin Rushing, DPM
Third Place
A Suture Retention Device* used to Primarily to Close Challenging Stage IV Heel Wounds- Case Series
Alton R. Johnson Jr. DPM
A. McKanna, DPM; M. Journot DPM; M. Szpara, DPM; E. Haniuk, DPM; H. Jacoby, DPM; B. Rosenblum, DPM